Hi there,
I found that the Extension relate registries created under CURRENT_USER only, but somehow the extension seem trying to pull value from LOCAL_MACHINE instead.
So i tested:
- Copy file ‘C:\Users<User ID>\AppData\Local\UiPath\manifest.json’ to where every ID on machine can access eg. ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Platform\UiPath\BrowserExtension’.
- Create new Key ‘com.uipath.chromenativemsg’ under 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts'
- Then enable Enable NativeMessagingHostWhitlist by adding ‘com.uipath.chromemenativemsg’ into its value. If you see * , you may replace it. (* is default which block everything, so that i put the value that refer to chrome extension anyway).
These steps allow my Chrome Extension to have Selector properly.
Hope this help.