Loading asset System1_Credentials failed: Column 'System1_Credentials' does not belong to table .Can anyone tell what this issue is?


Please guide if anyone knows.

Its saying that your data table don’t have the column named called System1_Credentials.Check that System1_Credentials is exists or not.

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ok.Can u tell me in init all settings workflow,at get asset value properties,for input asset name what we should give?

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I believe your config.xls asset sheet has ‘System1_Credentials’, isn’t it?

in asset sheet,at name column i have given in_Credential and at asset column i have given System1_credentials

yes at asset column…

in asset sheet,at name column i have given in_Credential and at asset column i have given System1_credentials

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reply please.please share your workflow

it exists in asset sheet

Then check in read range activity property called “Add Headers” checked or not

yes it is checked previously.can u share your workflow please

how to check data table having system1_Credentials or not?

My problem is that everything executing fine except this error (Loading asset System1_Credentials failed: Column ‘System1_Credentials’ does not belong to table .).

Everything is executing fine i.e all work items are getting updated and browser getting closed.

Sorry for late response,

could you share your config.xls.

and screenshot your asset on the orchestartor

fyi, Asset has two type 1. Asset Value and 2. Asset Credential.


the Asset you’ve declared on Config.xls is only for Asset Value.

if you want to use Asset Credential, You need to use

GetAppCredential, you can get from framework folder in your Framework.

and you need to hardcode your asset name as default on argument following your asset name on Orchestrator.

fly away!

please find orchestrator assets


please find settings sheet

please find assets sheet

You cannot do like that, please follow my second answer with clue “fyi”.

that means in assets sheet also,i should give whatever i given in orcestrator ?

and in get orchestrator credentials arguments i should give at value column as orchestrator robot credentials or asset credentials?

Yes, except Credential. I use Asset sheet for storing Url so it easy for me to change the URL on Orchestrator.

Asset Credential. As I see your Settings Sheet. you declare In_Credential as a key, and In_credential as a value.

so when you call getAppCredential Seq you can import argument Config(“In_Credential”).

Ok. Thanks.

I will try it.
In your screenshot u have given testrobot-credential right .what is that in your orchestrator?

No. that screen only default value. but in Settings sheet I put In_Credential = System1_Credential and Orchestrator same as you “System1_Credential”
