Hi all
Hi How were you able to get WI_List out onto the : "Init State ( by passing arguments) I tried to pass as Datarow , but i can’t display the count in a write line ( by passing In_WIList_Test through a For each loop ) . so I can’t figure if any data has come out " ?
InitAllApplication Workflow
the data rows are fetched as DataRow and the count is being displayed while in that workflow.
Please see snapshot below
Invoke workflow of InitAllApplications
But when I try to get the DataRow out through the invoke workflow I can get the value out onto the main page .
Your ‘GetTransactionData.xaml’ should an ‘Out’ argument with Variable Type as DataRow
E.g. in_FilteredWIs (Variable Type: DataRow as IN)
When you invoke your ‘GetTransactionData.xaml’ from within the ‘Get Transaction Data’ state, you will set your Filtered DataRow (In your case its in_WIList_Test i believe) variable for the in_FilteredWIs.
Your GetTransactionData.xaml will now set the out_TransactionItem & out_TransactionID as below:
out_TransactionItem = in_FilteredWIs(in_TransactionNumber - 1)
out_TransactionID = out_TransactionItem(“WIID”).ToString
Both the Out Variables will set the specific value to the similar variables under Main.xaml
hi @Rammohan91, can you help me here too, I believe I have set things properly but I am still not able to increment my arguments thus unable to process the next item. thank you.