Launching application on Google chrome Apps

Hi. I have added an application to Google Chrome and have the shortcut on my desktop. I tried to use Open application activity to open the application thru the shortcut on my desktop, but it shows error with the selectors. Also, I tried to use recorder activity to Open browser, it still failed. Please advice.

Hi @leewe01,

use open browser activity.

In Properties change the BrowserType to chrome.

Provide the Url sting


Change the settings in uipath



Hi @arivu96,

Thank you for the advice.

I have already added Chrome to the extension. I am putting this “chrome://apps/” in Url section to open the apps browser. But this is not working.

Can you please share your workflow?

Hi @pawanbag,

I’ve tried with 2 approaches, 1.) Open the “ARC” app thru open browser activity by logging in Google Chrome Apps, 2.) I created a shortcut for the app on my desktop and open the app thru open application activity. However, both failed to run.

Here’s the workflow, Main v1.xaml (10.8 KB)
. Please advice.
