Uipath Assistant - Starting Apps

Each time we run an Apps from the assistant, the Apps is always opened in a dedicated UiPath windows instead of the chrome browser.
How can we force the Apps to be open in a chrome browser ?

Hi @fabrice.wadelle

To run an app from the UiPath Assistant and have it open in the default browser (in this case, Chrome), you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new process in UiPath Studio and add the necessary activities to automate the app.
  2. In the UiPath Assistant, click on the “Processes” tab.
  3. Find the process you just created and click the “Play” button to run it.
  4. When the process starts running, you will see a pop-up with the option to choose the “Execution Target”. Select “New Tab” or “New Window” and then select “Chrome” from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click “Start” to begin the process.

This will launch the Chrome browser and open the app in a new tab or window, depending on the option you selected in step 4.

I think, you didnt’ understand what i meant.
In the assistant under the section “Apps”, not “Automations”, if I start an Apps, it is opened in a dedicated UiPath windows (maybe be a browser) instead of the Chrome/edge browsers. Before when I did it, it was directly opened in the correct default browser. The workarround solution used today is to copy the URL of the apps to use it directly in the browser, but it’s not a solution.