Use Browser Chrome

Hi Team,

Got two xamls
One.xaml just opens the (Using- Use Browser Chrome)
Two.xaml - since google already opened in chrome i wanted to just type some text in search. Instead its again opening another chrome window. How to resolve this ?
In two.xaml Type into activity is placed inside - Use Browser Chrome

Hi @Honda,

Please refer below documentation for Use Browser activity, it specifies how you can edit the url and many other settings that can be enabled for this activity.

Hope this helps.


Hi @Honda,

Adding some more details.

See below snapshot. I changed the URL to UiPath forum link and it opened chrome directly with that url. Or you can even do this by directly selecting that plus sign, open in advanced editor and changing the URL right there as well.

Other way:

Hope this helps.


Use this way.

In the property panel of second type in to application browser , try to choose the option open = if not open

use the above property in use application activity

Use these property in the use application activity