Issue with Type Into activity

Hi Team,

I am using Type into activity to write the url but it’s not working…advise


Can you share your xaml file?

If your url is static, then you can use open browser activity and then you can add your url in the property field.

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No its not static…its will pick url from sheet

If it is picking from a excel sheet, still you can use the open browser by passing the variable in property instead of static url.

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Kindly enable these properties in the property panel
Simulate type
Click before typing
In the property panel of type into activity
—make sure that type into activity is place inside a attach browser activity
—we can use OPEN BROWSER activity and mention the url we want to open that url rather to this method

Hope these steps could help you

Cheers @jimmy_jos1


Flowchart1.xaml (1.9 KB)

Flowchart1.xaml (1.9 KB) a

Did this work buddy
Cheers @jimmy_jos1

Empty flow chart is there buddy. Please upload a valid xaml file.

Hi @palaniyappan Please see attached screenshot its not working :frowning:

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No worries
Does that rowitem has any value in it
Use a writeline before that type into and mention that as input
Let’s check whether it is showing up the value in output panel
Make sure the properties mentioned previously are enabled in the type into activity
Cheers @jimmy_jos1

Yes…Value exist in rowitem.Please find attached screenshotCapture


Were the element indicated for type into
Activity I mean the url bar where we type this I tour string
Kindly select that as element for the type into activity
Cheers @jimmy_jos1

Try using open browser activity
and pass the url as input string to it

Cheers @jimmy_jos1

So I have to add Write line,Rowitem as well…?

Can you please send xaml file with an example

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hope these steps would help you resolve this
–use a open browser activity and in the property panel mention the URL as a string between double quotes, and then choose the browser type as IE
this will directly open the url in the browser and we dont need to use type into activity to enter the URL

kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @jimmy_jos1

the URL is not static it will change ( Excel file) contain different URL for rows

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No worries
that doesn’ t matter then the steps involved will be like this
–use excel application scope and pass the file path as input
–inside the scope use read range and get the output with a variable of type datatable named outdt
–now use a for each row loop activity and pass the above variable as input
–inside the loop use OPEN BROWSER activity and pass the input as
row(“yourcolumnname”).ToString in the URL property

this will take the value though its dynamic for each iteration inside the loop
Cheers @jimmy_jos1