Issue with attach window / screen issue

Hello Guys

I am having trouble with the desktop application.
ex. i have 1 Desktop application after logging in into the application we need to upload a input file into that application step >> click on Tool (drop down will ghet open)>> click on Import file >> then 1 pop up (panel) will get visible on screen >> click on Next button but bot is not able to watch that panel.

issue →

  1. The screen got stuck when I tried to select an element, and I am not able to select a particular element where I wanted to click.

  2. If I restart the application by following the steps manually, then we can select elements. But again, if we run the process from the start, then we face the same issue.

  3. used attached window activity

  4. used use application/browser activity (mordern activity)

  5. Only hotkey worked here to click on the Next button, but after the next button we have 3 dots to click, and then we upload the file. Here we can only click. Hotkeys will not work here.

  6. Same-click activities we have used for our other plants too, it is working smoothly there

Thanks in advance for help.

Hi @abhijeet.khairkar
Check with classic click activity.
Try this !!


Use another Use Application Browser activity the place where you are expecting the popup and highlight the popup panel. Now inside this Use application activity, use you interactive activities like Click or Type Into to interact with it.

Ashok :slight_smile:

@ashokkarale already tried. but it is not working. bcoz error encounter with attach window activity. so there is nothing with interactive activities. like click and type into.

@Sanjay_Bhat alredy checked


Instead of attach window activity try using Use Application/Browser activity.

Hi @abhijeet.khairkar
Try with all input mode like simulate and all hardware events and all
If even after that it’s not working use image automation
Try to capture this by image click you can use image selector in modern click activities and give proper anchors there

You can use CV click also if u have license

@jast1631 Thank you for the response. I have already checked with CV scope and have used all kinds of input methods. Still, I am facing the issue. checked with the client for their desktop application performance issue nothing is there. now i am thinking to reinstall the UiPath tool.

@ashokkarale thank you for the response, already checked.


If you are able to highlight/select other UI elements then there won’t be issue with UiPath studio else try reinstalling.

Yah, asked client to reinstall. Let’s see what happens.

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Clear all nugent and all still issue is there then try using image automation
Last option