Is there a way to pop up a input dialouge on screen when bot is run on orchestrator

Is there a way to pop up a input dialouge on screen when bot is run on orchestrator?

We have a uipath attended process that needs user input on bot. And now we are going to transition it in orchestrator so is there a way the input dialouge will be on orchestrator?

@joscares use form for Input.

yeah i know that i mean is the bot is installed on workspace and business user will trigger the bot on orchestrator so they will not see the dialogoe

Hey @joscares,

Have a look on this thread

You need to make some changes in the current code and again publish it to add the process status dialouge.


No, this is not the solution I need an input dialog when bot triggers on orchestrator because the user will not be inside the workspace

Hey @joscares

Human in the loop

You can use Action Center forms for the same.

Feel free to post for any other queries.


So this form will be shown even business user is not inside the workspace?

Yes, The form is shown in the web portal called action center - subproduct of our orchestrator

Okay. I’ll try this after we got our orchestrator

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Sure @joscares

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