Invalid UI node, Fiori SAP

Dear all,

When I’m clicking at the create button or one of the other buttons inside the red lines, the invalid UI node message appears.
But when I’m clicking at the headers inside the black lines, the click activity is working fine.
Could anyone explain me why the invalid UI node message only is appearing and how tot solve it?


Hi @M_L

Have you tried with CV click activity?

With the CV click activity is also appearing the ‘Invalid UI node.’ message :frowning:

Check out the thread @M_L


Hi @Gokul001 ,

Checked it already, and the check box is checked. :slight_smile:
So, that’s not the issue for me.


The strange part of this issue is: the click activity is working without any problems in other fiori apps. Also the buttons that are in the red circle are working without any problems.

Have you tried with Click image activity @M_L

@Gokul001 an click image activity combined with on image appears is working fine. Have to deal with two identical images at the screen. Thank you!

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