"Insights Is Starting Now" Message When Accessing Insights (Looker)

Why does the Insights page display an "Insights is starting now" message?

Root Cause:

This may be a valid message displayed for up to a minute when first accessing Insights. However, if it persists, it may indicate a configuration issue with the component, which will likely be evident in the Insights event logs.


Share the Application Event Viewer logs from the Insights Windows machine, capturing at least one access attempt where the message persisted for more than thirty seconds.

To get the Event Viewer logs:

  1. Select the Windows menu, type "Event", and select the Event Viewer application
  2. In the Event Viewer Application, go to the 'Windows Logs'
  3. Select 'Application'
  4. In the Action’s menu select 'Filter Current Log…'
  5. In the filter menu select the time frame when the issue occurred and click 'OK'
  6. After filtering, select 'Save Filtered Log File As…' from the action’s menu
  7. Save the file to a convenient location with a distinct name and attach it to the reply
  8. Generate a HAR file while navigating to the Insights component
  • For Firefox and Chrome-based browsers, open the Developer Tools (F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I) and select the Network tab.
  • For Safari, open the Develop menu and select Show Web Inspector, then the Network tab.
  1. Navigate to the Insights component and reproduce the error
  2. Save or export the HAR trace and select as a .har or .xml file
  3. Share the HAR file to your ticket or on the email thread for analysis.

For deployments other than Automation Cloud, also share the Device Specifications of the Windows machine (Settings>System>About>Copy).