Info about scroll down a scroll bar if a specific string is not found

Hi All

I have a list of data and need to right click on a specific string. But sometimes the required string may not be present in the specified region. I clicking through click text activity. Its not a drop down. Its like an object explorer.
So what should i do to scroll down in order to find the required string. Also how to know how long should i scroll down. How would i know that the required string has come into the specified region.

Hi @kkpatel

use send hot key as down and check it

Ashwin S

@kkpatel Can you show us a Screenshot of the Scroll Down or of the text that you want to Click?


I have to click on 201912 partition. According to current month. For Feb 2020 it will be 202002.

Hi @kkpatel

use the click activity and mouse button and as set the btn_right and choose the filter option and give it as type into and mention it as 202002

Ashwin S

Sorry, its not according to my question.

@kkpatel Have you tried using Find Children Activity ?

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see if Find Children activity works for you and retrieves all items, if yes, then you can loop checking for the right item and when found use click activity and that element.

Find Children activity not helping in my case. Will just do Ctrl+Page Down and search my string in that specified region. It will help.

Can you tell how to check how many times a particular string appearing in the specified region ?

how do you know that you are at the end of the page using control+page down? i guess after every scroll down you will have to loops through the items and search for the right one…

Yes that’s why i am doing ctrl+pgdn. Only pgdn will move me to the end of the page. But ctrl+pgdn will just move to the next page. The final element becomes the top one.
So in every page i am searching using Text Exists activity.

Hi, I’m trying this on a similar case where I’m having problems, I tried the Find Children activity as you proposed but I’m having “UiPath.Core.UiElement” as results, how can I translate/convert this to work with it as a string or something similar (for example: “Access to multi-company information”)?

That’s my scrolling region:

I need to search on that field for the role line that contains the Cost Center code of the user (for example: 8115) that is stored in a variable, and, once found the line that contains the cost center code, double click on it to add it to the user roles.

With Find Chldren I obtain “UiPath.Core.UiElement” I need it to be a string where I could search for my cost center code and double click on the match line, is this possible? :sweat_smile:

For additional info, if it can help, when I do a Get Full Text it extracts the information like this:

I need to search the cost center code on the role descriptions.

any solution bro ?? m stuck with same scenario

No from my side, finally, as on my list I can write to get directed to a line, I extracted the list of roles, I manipulled the data externaly to find the main role name that match the numeric codes and I putted an activity to write the main role names on the list to be directed to the one I must click :sweat_smile:
A bit complicated but I don’t found anything better. :exploding_head:

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