Indicate element missing while using the same in another system

Hi All,

Please suggest how to avoid indicate element missing while using the same in another system


What do you mean by indicate element?

Are you talking about the click activity etc.


Can you give us more detail on the issue?



It happens when we transfer workflow from one system to another. If you really need the preview, you need to indicate it again in the new system.

the question can be interpreted in multiple directions. Maybe you can elaborate more on this.

As from the thread one interpretation goes in the direction of missing screenshots, have a look here:


  • Identify the .screenshots folder in your current project
  • transfer/copy the content of it to the other UiPath project where the origin xamls are transferred into the .screenshots folder
  • finally clean up and remove unused screenshots by the following:

as we can transfer the screenshots we do not retake the selectors for the purpose of getting a screenshot. We would lose our implement and test efforts

@ppr thanks for the information

It happens when we transfer workflow from one system to another.


While transfer the project the .screenshots it will not come. So you can copy this folder and paste it in the another machine



May we ask you to check if your question is answered by suggesting the transfer of the screenshots:

and also repeated here:

if it is answered so close the topic by:
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Otherwise elaborate more on the details of your case

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