Inconsistence amongst parameter textinput / missing (+) button and or maximize

Since I started using UiPath a few weeks ago, I’ve been scratching my head because sometimes, in the activities that have only a textinput for parameter and that’s it, or maybe other workflow options but have this textinput, sometimes I was missing the “maximize” (displayed as a “<>” icon or so) to make it bigger via a modal dialog, so you can see the full contents of what’s written in there.

I was thinking all the time that it was probably my fault due to lack of knowledge of the tool, but, while messing around, I realized just a moment ago that it isn’t, or I can’t find the explanation for the behaviour.

Look at the attached screenshot: I have too “Log message” activities very close in my workflow. First one offers a “{}”, “<>” and “+” icon/button in the “Message” textinput, but the 2nd doesn’t.

Any explanation? Or is this effectively a bug?


Which version of studio and system activities youa re on?

Do you try to upgrade system activities to latest or a comptible version to your studio version?


Hi @Anil_G ,

I’m on 2023.6.1 Community Edition.

As far as I know, I’m using last version of activities, as I explicitly update some of them because they weren’t.

I mainly use this one for convenience because I’m developing on my local machine, but my company has licenses, although they are on their own virtual machines I don’t like using them for work and keep them mainly for production environments. But I’ll try to keep an eye and see if this behaviour happens there also when I have a chance to.



Try with stable system actovity packages and check that should work for you
