I'm not able to select Hover activity and select their all item

Hello Friends,
I’m new in UIPATH rpa.

Link is Flipkart.com

I,m stuck at some point.

Mouse hover on electronics section and select all mobile brands and open one by one

Thanks in advance

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use the hover activity and use the data scraping, pass each item in the then click activity as dinamyc variable

also you can use the direct link for each item and pass it in navigate to activity

Hey @Vishal_Prajapati

What I understand is you are unable to indicate the elements to perform hover and menu click because may be the element get disappeared before you indicate

For this, the easy approach I would say is you can just do the web recording for those steps which will generate the activities with selectors for you post which you can edit it if required

Hope this helps


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I have try but didn’t work. Please make for it

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When I try to scrapping all element of hover menu item. Hoven menu list hide. I Have use F2 delay key but doesn’t help me.

Please guide me. So I can learn.

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Hey @Vishal_Prajapati

You want to just click an item in the menu right ?


Hello @Vishal_Prajapati ,

Could you share the screenshot of the item that you are trying to hover? Also instead of hover and getting can you try to click on it and fetch the items?

Plz share the screenshot.Will have a look.

first Thank you for help.
Yes. I want click one by one all item.

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Hey @Vishal_Prajapati

Just do a recording for one menu element click first to see if that works and then we can guide you to make it dynamic for all other menu elements.


I have already try to select one item. But when start the recording and my mouse move on electronics menu that menu not hover.

Then I press F2 key and then menu open. After delay menu hide.

So I can’t set single item.

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Hey @Vishal_Prajapati

While recording you need to choose the Hover menu option manually.


Hello @Nithinkrishna

I have selected one item from menu. So now How to click one by one.

Thank You

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Perfect @Vishal_Prajapati

So now, could you please show the snap of the code generated please ?


Hey @Nithinkrishna

Please Check screen shot

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Hey @Vishal_Prajapati

So now you want to choose all elements inside electronics right ?


Hey @Nithinkrishna

I have try ‘Find child’ element for select all element. but I didn’t know it’s right or not.

also you see the message of element.


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Hey @Vishal_Prajapati

You are on the right path, even I was about to suggest the same.

Reg the message box since it is an object you just get the type name but actually it will hold the element details with it.

You can now use this object directly in a click activity to click it.

Hope that helps.


hey @Nithinkrishna

can you suggest me how to select Object in click activity.


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Hey @Vishal_Prajapati

There is an element property in the click activity, just use it instead of selector and pass the item var in it.


Hey @Nithinkrishna

This type error show


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