If statements Then and Else statment require me to double click to view activities inside.. can I just view what's inside?


It used to just show the activities without double clicking.

Hi @David_Hernandez2

If you want to see the activities inside the then and else block double click on it it will extend the blocks and you can see the activities inside it.

We can collapse and expand it by clicking on this symbol.

Nothing will happen.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @David_Hernandez2

After few updates the then and else sequence automatically being collapsed. If you wanted the activities inside the sequence please do double click on it. It’s just being collapsed so that you can have a better view of the code too.

Hope it helps!!


Looks like your outer sequences are hidden…you can go to home → settings → and toggle hide seuences option


I don’t want to double click it though… the activities normally show up without haven’t to double click inside of the else/then.

They aren’t hidden. :frowning:


Then try adding a sequence around your activity and check if that allows you to view without having to double click


Does not allow me

Are you able to edit the activities and properties in the project.

If not it was in read only mode, if the project is in read only mode we don’t have access to modify activities.

Yes i’m able to view and edit the activities inside.

^ These are the activities inside of the then statement. It does contain a sequence around it.

Hi @David_Hernandez2 ,

Could you let us know what is the Version of Studio you are using and also the Dependency package versions ?

2023.4.3 - Studio Version



Before double click it wont allow you to add…after clicking add the sequence and then check …


Tried that, doesn’t work. I suspect the entire workflow is bugged in some way, as it’s only happening to this project.

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Hi @David_Hernandez2
Try clicking “Expanding All” on right corner or your main file.

It should do the work.


Thanks. It works!
What the author @SHAF_MAIRAJ was asking is just about visualization of the workflow.
I also struggle with it, because it’s better to see everything in the same window and don’t have to double click to get inside the activity section. The workflow works perfectly. So just a matter of how we see the activities as humans.

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