Hi! I have a problem.
I have built a xaml (initial) in Studio that invokes other xamls (subroutines). When I run “initial” on Studio, it works perfectly. It calls all “subroutines” and gets to the end, without any problem.
However when I upload “initial” to ORchestrator, it does not work. I have uploaded “initial” and one of the subroutines. I have change my “invoke” activity from “invoke workflow” to “invoke process” (is it necessary?, because it cost me a lot of work to re-introduce all arguments in the new call activity). I can see all processes in my Orhcestrator in the same page. But when I launch “initial” process from Uipath Assistant (by the way, I am not able to do it from ORchestrator directly; it always changes to “pending” and it only starts if I launch it from Uipath Assistant), it goes through “initial” code but it stops when it comes to invoke the uploaded subroutine.
Can anyone teach me how to do it? I am not an Uipath expert. I heve read other questions on this subject but I have not been able to figure out how to proceed.
Thank you very much in advanced.