I cannot run a process that invokes other

Hi! I have a problem.

I have built a xaml (initial) in Studio that invokes other xamls (subroutines). When I run “initial” on Studio, it works perfectly. It calls all “subroutines” and gets to the end, without any problem.

However when I upload “initial” to ORchestrator, it does not work. I have uploaded “initial” and one of the subroutines. I have change my “invoke” activity from “invoke workflow” to “invoke process” (is it necessary?, because it cost me a lot of work to re-introduce all arguments in the new call activity). I can see all processes in my Orhcestrator in the same page. But when I launch “initial” process from Uipath Assistant (by the way, I am not able to do it from ORchestrator directly; it always changes to “pending” and it only starts if I launch it from Uipath Assistant), it goes through “initial” code but it stops when it comes to invoke the uploaded subroutine.

Can anyone teach me how to do it? I am not an Uipath expert. I heve read other questions on this subject but I have not been able to figure out how to proceed.

Thank you very much in advanced.


Hi @ccrespo9669,

Is there any error coming? can you show a glimpse of your code once.


Hi Shikhar! Thank you very much for your kindness in answering my request.

I do not receive any error when I try to run the process in ORchestrator. It simply does not enter in the “subroutine” I invoke.

Here I show you an image of all processes in ORchestrator in “Myworkspace” folder. You can see that there is my “initial” main project, “prueba.invocador” and the subroutine I try to invoke through an “invoke process” activity; its name is “bajar.vida.laboral”. You can see also the entry points.

Below this image, you have the part of the “initial” process that invokes the “subroutine”. “prueba.invocador”, works perfectly and does everything that is supossed to do but to enter in “bajar.vida.laboral”.

When I try to run in in studio, if I invoke “bajar.vida.laboral” with an “invoke workflow” activity, everything works fine. However, if I try to do it with the “invoke process” activity (the one I am supossed to use to work with Orchestrator, right?), then the system throws me an error message related to the passing of a uipath.core.browser argument. It works well with “invoke workflow” activity, but it does not with an “invoke process” activity.


That’s the main functionality of INVOKE PROCESS activity
Invoke Process activity runs in Synchronous mode, meaning that the parent process waits for the child process to complete before resuming

So when you are running Initial xaml it will be waiting till it’s child process (subroutine) completes running

I would suggest to go for invoke workflow activity as it way more easier and it won’t stop the caller process

And for this

Check whether the assistant status is Connected and licensed
And make sure you have chosen Unattended robot type while creating robot in orchestrator

Cheers @ccrespo9669

Hi Palanoyappan! Thank you very much for your answer!

So, if I have urdestood you well, I can use “Invoke workflow” activities in my main code even if it is to be run in Orchestrator. It does not need to use only “invoke process” activities.

My invoked subroutines are in folders of my C:\ computer. I assume that they should be uploaded to “My workspace” folder in Orchestrator, and so be called with its name directly (since they will be in the same Orchestrator folder than the main code, is this right?


Next, I am following these intructions to try to fix my problem

however I get stuck at step 4 when it asks me for installing Uipath Studio in my unnatended machine. I have already installed Uipath Studio in my computer. It is where I created my workflows, main and subroutines. What does this point 4 mean? DO I need to install Uipath Studio again?

Another thing that is very disturbing is the fact that layout of instructions is not the one I see in my Orchestrator. I do not know what to do to proceed. I cannot start a job from Orchestrator, I have always to go to Assistant and do it from there. Is this normal? And, as I told you, whnever I do this, start from Assitant, the workflow ends at the pioint where it should call an “invoke workflow” activity. It runs until taht point, it even opens dialog windows to ask me some data, but when it comes to the invoke, it ends running without showing any error message.

Can you help me fix this problem?

Thank you very much,


Well if possible have them in the same project folder

To locate the project folder of that workflow, we got an option in STUDIO itself
Click on Project panel in the left side of the studio screen
Click on Open Folder icon in it and it will take you to the project folder of that workflow

Keep all the xaml files you had developed and invoke the same inside the studio so that calling a xaml won’t be a problem

And for this

You can ignore that step if you installed studio and robot in your machine already

And make sure robot is connected to orchestrator as per this doc

And on this note

Make sure you have followed all these steps as mentioned in below post so that when you run from orchestrator it will run in your machine in unattended mode

And finally

Check once how invoke workflow file activity works
I could see there are some arguments to imported in that activity that’s why it shows import arguments in orange color

Cheers @ccrespo9669

Thank you very much ofr your help Palaniyappan!

I will try today to implement your instructions and let you know about the result.

Thanks again.


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Hi Palaniyappan!

I am trying to do as you suggested but I am not able.

As I told before, the layout of my Orchestrator screens and those of my Uipath Assistant are completely different from those displayed in the instructions given by the article. For example, the article says that I should go to the “security” tab within the “settings” page. Well, I cannot see any “security” tab in my Orchestrator’s “settings” page.

Here, what the articles says:

Here, what I really see in Orchestrator / settings

Later on, the article explains that in order to connect my unnatteded robot I should perform some activities in the Uipath Assistant module, e.g. introduce Orchestrator URL or the “machine key”. Well, that is impossible to me because my Assitant display does not allow to enter any info into Orchestrator url’s box, and there is no “machine key” box to be filled in.

Here, what the article suggest:

And here, my vision of Uipath Assistant:

Also, I have moved the subroutine xaml’s into main xaml folder, and still I get the same result. When I launch main xaml from Assistant (remember I cannot do it in Orchestrator because it only gets in “pending” status and does no run), it works fine until the point where it should invoke a subroutine. In this case, as you can see here, there is no orange box any more.

First thing the invoked process should do, is to enter in a new web page, and to do so, main shares a “Uipath.Core.Browser” argument with the subroutine. It works perfectly when run in Community, but it does not start when run from Assitant/Orchestrator.


Is there any way to fix these problems…? I am running out of time…

Thank you very much for your help and your patience,


Hi Palaniyappan!

I have tried with a different main, which also invokes a wubroutine xaml, and I have been able to publish it in ORchestrator and run it completely from Assitant. So the point of invoking processes seems that is something I should be able to manage. Must be something in my code that ORchestrator does not like, even though Studio does.

Next step is the point of not being able to launch the robot from ORchestrator.

This image is what I see after I click on the “Start” button of the process in Orchestrator, and go to “jobs” windows. As you can see in “Status” it becomes a “pending job”. On the other side, yuo can see within the red circle that it seems as if ORchestrator did not know where to run the process, no? Does this give you any idea about the problem I am facing?

Thank you very much,


Can anyone help with this? I can run my Orchestrator process if I launch it from Uipath Assistant, but I cannot do it if I try to start the process directly in Orchestrator. The corresponding job is always in “pending” state, and I try to look at it in more detail, I see that Host Identity is also in “Pending allocation” state. Does it make sense? Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you very much,
