I have 2 workflows, namely A and B. For workflow A, there are subworkflows, namely A1, A2, etc. and they reside at the same project folder as A. Similar structure for workflow B, B1, B2, etc. but reside in another local project folder.
No Orchestrator.
I want to invoke workflow B at the last activity from workflow A.
Method 1:
I tried using “Invoke Workflow File” activity but when workflow B call B1 via another “Invoke Workflow File”. There is an error saying workflow file B1 cannot be found because it is still referring to project folder of workflow A.
Method 2:
I tried using “Invoke Process” but cannot figure out what to fill in for the properties: “Process Name”, “Entry Point Workflow” and “Orchestrator Folder Path”. At runtime, there is an error saying Cannot Find the Process in folder
Finally, I figured it out after some more trial and error.
Properties Settings:
Process Name: should be the name found in UiPath Assistant
Entry Point Workflow: I left it blank. It will assume Main.xaml
Orchestrator Folder Path: I left it bank. It just assumes the other process reside in the same folder as the running one.
The Invoke Process activity works perfectly for me.