How to use REFramework without orchestrator

You need to make some small changes in the workflow like:

  1. First change all the queue data type variables to the required data type.(Eg. Datarow)
  2. Remove “Get transaction item” activity from the “Get Transaction Data.xaml”
  3. Remove/Change the “Set transaction status” activity from Success,BE,SE sequences in the “Set transaction status.xaml”

I hope these changes are enough to remove orchestrator/queue dependency from REF.

UiPathinas, Please add if any further points/changes are required. :sweat_smile:

P.S. Add the required logic in the “Get Transaction Data.xaml”
Eg: If you are working with Excel/DataTables the use of this expression in “If condition”
in_TransactionNumber < io_TransactionData.Rows.Count
