How to try UIPath communicty edition?

I have tried to evaluate UIPath. I registered to download community and enterprise version.
I receive email with download link, but when I try to use the download link I see only
" 403 - Forbidden"
I’ve tried different browsers, different ISP’s, registered to trial of enterprise version
Tried to get download link into gmail (the download links are completely broken).
And nothing works.
I can’t contact support as it looks like only for commercial users.

Are anyone from UIPath testing their site?

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@stoune - I have never faced this issue. But can you try again by using a different email Id? Also please check if you are behind any proxy/firewall or if you are trying to download from your work location, there might be restrictions on downloads.

Also, you can contact UiPath support and they respond to users using their community edition too.

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I finally figured out what’s wrong.
They just banned Ukraine on CDN configuration.
With blank Azure VM in West EU I was able to download install.

But now I’m stuck on activation. Because UI Path believes that on this machine Enterprise edition was activated (this is completely clean VM created from scratch several hours before experiment).
Is this their cloud readiness?
Support, email, twitter were unresponsive for several days.

Hi @stoune

This topic will help you :slight_smile:

The thing with virtual machines via Azure is that the Device ID could have already been used by another instance (even if it wasn’t yours). This workaround helps here.

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