How To Troubleshoot Robot Does Not Exist Error?

How to troubleshoot Robot does not exist error?

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Open the UiPath Assistant on the machine and navigate to Preferences -> Orchestrator Settings -> and attempt to make the connection.
  2. If the error occurs after attempt is made to make the connection from the Assistant, hover over the Status and then save a screenshot of this page that includes the tooltip pop-up when hovered over the status. (See example below)

  1. In a command prompt, run the following command: whoami and then save a screenshot of the result.

  1. Open UiPath Orchestrator and:
    1. If using a Modern folder then,
  • For < 2021.10 Orchestrator

Tenant > Users > Edit User > Attended/ Unattended Robot > Validate the domain\username matches what is seen for the whoami command that was run in step 2. Save a full-page screenshot of what is observed.

  • For >= 2021.10 Orchestrator

Tenant > Manage Access > Assign Roles > Edit The Robot > Robot Setup > Validate the domain\username matches what you see for the whoami command that you ran in step 2. Save a full-page screenshot of what you see here.

  1. If using Classic folder then,
  • Folder > Robots > Edit Robot > Validate the domain\username matches what you see for the whoami command that you ran in step 2.

Save a full-page screenshot of what is observed here.

  1. If the domain / username matches from step 3 and the error is still occurring, open Orchestrator and verify that the machine key that is being used to connect the Robot is correct.

  1. Also share the Event Viewer logs from the Robot machine. How to get Application Logs from the Event Viewer

  1. In Orchestrator, save a screenshot of the machine configuration that is used for the Robot.

If the issue is still unresolved after following the troubleshooting steps above, share the logs and screenshots that have been gathered while following the instructions with the UiPath Product Support Team.

Read more on Connecting Robots To Orchestrator .