How to select multiple item from drop down


I have to select multiple items one by one from drop how can I do that which names I have to select those are store in config file total 8 items I have to select but one by one.

I have tried multiple ways but not able to get that single item.


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Hi @suraj_gaikwad

Use Select Item activity


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Hi @suraj_gaikwad

Try by using click and Find children activity.

Hope it helps!!

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@lrtetala I used I have to select single item one by one

Hi @suraj_gaikwad

Add the 8 items into any array
for each item in array:
use select item (item)

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Did you try Select Multiple Items?

Activities - Select Multiple Items -


Use For each in that use Select Item activity

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Product name is the variable where I stored all values which I want and I passed this variable in click activity also but it’s not working

@pravallikapaluri @lrtetala @supriya117 @pravallikapaluri



In the select item activity you can pass that variable

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Was the select activity successful in choosing the element?
If it’s work then follow this process:

for each item in array:
          use select item (item)
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If I passed the variable in select items it’s need to be indicate the elements?

@efelantti @supriya117 @pravallikapaluri



It’s select the item that you have passed in the drop down.
Just select any random item and pass the variable in the strict selector of select item activity. Then it selects the item dynamically.

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It’s not selecting the element


Just select any random item and pass the variable in the strict selector(aaname or innertext) of select item activity. Then it selects the item dynamically.

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Test if you are able to select an element statically. Don’t use any variables, just choose any element from the list. If it’s not working, then probably the Select Item activity does not work with the control and you need to work around it with for example Click.

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Yes I’m not able to select by using select item, what should I do for this scenario

@supriya117 @efelantti

Then you can try to type the item to the filter and choose it by clicking.

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Use click activity in place of select item activity.

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This is selectors which I indicated on drop down single element and I’m passing the variable to a aaname which I have store all elements names

Still I’m stuck here I tried multiple ways even I tried with select item for single single element it’s not getting select

@lrtetala @supriya117 @pravallikapaluri @efelantti
