How to select multiple item from drop down


Try like this:

Use find children activity
Use get attribute activity to get the list of attributes


Use for each to loop through list
          Use if condition to check the current item matches the item you have
                        if yes, then use select item (pass current item)
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Follow the steps

  1. For loop to loop through eqch item you want to select
  2. Inside that use click activity to click on the dropdown…(decide to have this inside or outside based on the dropdown…if dropdown closes automatically after one selection then use click inside loop or else outside)
  3. Then use a click activity with a selector like this

<webctrl tag='SPAN' class='ng-binding' innertext = '{{currentItem}}*' />

Here assumption is first part of the item name is know to you if not change the innertext accordingly

  1. Before click you can include a type into as well if the field aupports and then use a click to be more effective

  2. If the values at the bottom are not being selected and type into is not there then you have to go with either hover element or scroll activity to first get to the element

Hope this helps


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When I’m passing actually element name that selector property work but when I passed variable which I have stored all elements name that time throwing error ui elements not found


Hi @suraj_gaikwad

Have you tried with select mulitple item activity

Check out the Video link

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Either the name is not matching exactly or there is some difference please check the same


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use this activity

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