I have to select proper selector to select team which is not visible on screen but scn be visible after scrolling.
How can i click on that team name which is invisible/able to see when we scroll.
My selector is properly working when i scroll but not working when it is invisible.
Even i tried wit stimulation clicked check and that is also not working.
Check this screen shot where team names are more in numbers with scroll option.
I have to select this team according to my data in excel which can be seen only after scrolling and if it is visible like this slector is working fine.
not error but the element which i have to find is not visible only after scrolling it is getting and i have to perform actions on that team name .
so set focus also not working if element is not visible if it is in down.
@Sidney, the first version of the MouseScroll activity is available in UIAutomation 21.8-preview. An improved version is going to be released in 21.10 LTS. Enjoy and don’t forget to provide feedback ;).