How to select hidden next button for Extract Table Data Activity

Hello Guys,

I have a problem. My next button for the table is changing according to window size. Sometimes it is hidden because of small window size.

How do i solve this issue?

Below some of the images of the next button

Small window

Big window

Hi @zaffan.isa ,
Welcome to the UiPath community
you will get the property as Input mode, Please select Input mode as “Simulate”, It will works.


Hi @zaffan.isa

Try keeping the windows size to maximize.

Hope it works !!

i am using the input method as “stimulate”… Sadly, it still does not work.

@zaffan.isa Hi, Please use dynamic selectors for passing the page number values. then the next page will be selected dynamically even the button is in hidden


I already put it as maximize… I still does not work, because technically if i am using different monitor with different resolution… The appearance of the next button will change as i show


Try giving check app state and indicate the element appear in the small window.

If the small window appears then continue the actions required in target appears container and if the element doesn’t appear then try giving the big window actions in target doesn’t appear container.

Hope it works!!

Hi. How do i choose the dynamic selector? i dont have the option .It only show the arrow button as selector.


Instead of giving the next button we can use below approach.

Let str_count = 10(Number of pages are there to navigate for ex:10)
Use while loop (str_count>=1):
Use Extract datatable
str_count = str_count - 1

Note: Enable append results in extract datatable activity

Hope it helps.

Hi, is this approach also applicable for extracting datable from website?


Yes, its applicable.

Lets say i try your approach. How do i make the str_count to be dynamic? Because every the number of pages of datatable that i extract is not fixed.


If you are able to extract the last number of the page by get text then give the we can give the count value.
You can use check app state activity to check if there is a next symbol button present or not.
If present then click the next button. (For this you don’t need count)

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