How to pass dynamic account value to "Use Desktop Outlook App"

Hi Everyone,

I have a scenario where i have to send mail from the group mailbox which i am part of, So whenever i am trying to use “Send Outlook Mail Message” activity and passing group mailbox name under “Account property” i am facing error as “Account Not Found”.

As a workaround i am using “Use Desktop Outlook App” activity to select mailbox from the list of options showing under the activity dropdown, but in my use-case i have to send mail from a different mailbox each time… can someone suggest how to pass dynamic value to “Use Desktop Outlook App” or how to bind to be selected mailbox account details to “IMailQuickHandle” object.

Hi @srinath49 ,

Did you fill this properties?


Yes i did and it isn’t working for me

So i am using “Use Desktop Outlook App” activity here to achieve this. but can’t pass the values dynamically

Hi @srinath49

You can give the email dynamically in the property called account. Please reply if it’s work or not.


it isn’t working if i give the value in the account property

did you try use outlook 365 activity?

It will not work , becuase that property only takes IMailQuickHandle Datatypes which can only be generated through a mail scope activity like Use Gmail or Use Outlook Desktop, etc

U cant either convert a string (containing email id) into UiPath.Mail.IMailQuickHandle
(At least to my knowledge till now)

u cant , there is no option for dynamic sender mail id