How to create a floating robot in Uipath Orchestrator in 2022 version?

Please Share the tutorial of version 2022.

Thank you.

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Hey @Fahad_Masood

Kindly use the Machine template option !


Dear nitin,
Okay just one more think i need to ask attended or unattended.

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It depends on your scenario, but it should be Un-Attended since you said it’s mind of floating !

dear nitin,
i’ve created 2 robot account and tried to trigger the process but i am facing an issue of trigger process onto my second robot account as soon as i trigger from robot account 1 and logged into robot account 2 it doesn’t show the result.

Sorry, Im unable to understand your scenario here.

You have 2 robots and you are trying to simultaneously trigger a process with these two ?

dear nitin,
kindly look at the screenshots and see if you can help me in any shape of form.

dear nitin,
here are some more screenshots

dear nitin,
this is the macine template.

dear nitin,
yes i am trying to do it simultaneously but i got a job to make sure i can float licenses. now i’ve been trying to do that for months but still not happening for me i have to disconect from one server then connect to he other server for the process to work

Hey @Fahad_Masood

You can’t float licenses.

You connect a machine and you run a process from it with a license.

Hope that helps.


Dear nitin,
I mean float a robot not licenses. How do i do it. By looking at the secreenshot can you help me out if there is a step missing

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Okay @Fahad_Masood

So you have one robot user and two machines.

Let’s assume the robot user as Bot1

You want to run Bot1 in two of your machines simultaneously ?

Is that your requirement ?


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dear nitin,
yes, i have made 2 robot account and i want to run those 2 robot account simultaneously as you can see in screenshot rpa floating and rpa floating 2. i want to run it in these two.

thank you.

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dear nitin,
one more question if we able to achieve this dos this mean we have a floating robot then.

dear nitin,
will be waiting for your response.


So is that 2 robot account in one machine ?

Dear nitin,

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This should work seamlessly if your machine has two user profiles configured!

Dear nitin,
When i am done running the process in robot 1 i have to disconnect the uipath assitant from the robot 1 and connect uipath assistant in robot 2 for the process to run. So what should i do now