How to close SAP logon 760

Hi ,
I ve got a random problem in a automation process with sap , sometimes the pop up for sap selection of printer appears behind the sap logon 760 window and the process is hanged because it not find the object ( select printer) .

to correct it , this popup must dissapears or to be closed but the process ( sap logon 760)

is connected with sap logon for windows if i use kill process saplogon.exe , sap closed completely .

how i can do ? thanks

Did you try after mininimze this window. Is it working or not?

Hi @frederic-f.bonnet

Use the check app state activity and indicate the new popup that appears then use click activity to close the popup. Then move forward with your automation.

Hope it helps!!

Thanks , i try , your two solutions and i see.

Hi ,
I tried solutions , at this moment i cannot a good result , because when sap open the choice printer windows , the sap logon 760 windows bacame active , during few seconds and next the choice is performed , minimize not runs , i used also the function click under use application , it not run correctly and the process crash few iterations later .

At this moment i dont have a solution … :frowning:

Try Kill Process and add ‘saplogon.exe’ as Process Name.

Hi ,

In this case , it is not possible , if you see :slight_smile:

i can separate sap easy access and SAP Logon 760 , if i kill saplogon both sap shut down…