I’m currently working with SAP, and I’m using CloseApplication to close the SAP Login screen, but I can’t find a way to close the SAP Logon screen.
In the above URL, it talks about using the Kill Process, but I would like to close it in a formal way, such as by pressing the X button, rather than force closing.
One way to do this is to close the SAP Login screen with CloseApplication, and a few seconds later, the SAP Logon screen will automatically disappear.
However, I still don’t know why it disappears automatically, and I think it is not an official way.
So, my question is, is the SAP Logon screen supposed to disappear automatically when the SAP Login screen is closed?
Is the SAP Logon screen supposed to disappear automatically when you close the SAP Login screen, or is the above a special case and there is another way?
for closing the SAP session I’m using the CloseApplication activity and set the selector on the SAP Logon screen. With this both screens get closed after a few seconds.