How to click in a web down-menu that is disappearing before I can select element?


I’m working in a web automation. I need to click into an element of a sub-menu that only appears when I hover the mouse over the main menu.

I am aware of the “simulate hover mouse activity”. My problem is that I can’t select in the “Click activity” the desired link in the emerging submenu. I tried the F2 trick to disable the select mode for a few seconds, but once the “coun-down” is over the menu disappears and I cannot select the element.

Same happens if I try the “Record” tool. Once I click the main menu, the submenu disappears after some miliseconds.

Any ideas?
Thank you,

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Click on the element where you would normally hover in UI Explorer. Then check the children elements and look for the item which looks like it identifies the drop-down you’re searching for. Chances are the aaname will match the text of the drop-down you want.

Thank you Anthony,

The idea to use the UI Explorar was good. The UI Explorer selected the following element


However, I couldn’t find any children elements. I looked at the HTML source code, and it seems like it’s loading content dynamically through javascript functions. I searched for words that apperar in the page, and they are not present in the HTML source code.

Can all web pages be automated with UI Path, or some websites can not due to the way they have been programmed?

Thank you,

Dynamically created data can be tricky. If the element exists in the object explorer in the browser (usually invoked by pressing F12 in the browser), then UiPath will likely detect it. Otherwise, it requires another means to choose the element (hotkeys, coordinate-based clicks, etc.).

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Thank you.

I will explore the F12 in my browser, but I suspect it is dynamically created data and it is beyond my current UI Path skills.

Coordinate-based clicks can be another option combined with a prior hover mouse activity, but I guess it is much less robust and more prone to errors. I will also give it a try.

Thank you.

Hey guys, just to complement this topic, sometimes when you left click the element, it will not disappear, I just tested this and it worked for me.

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Hey Friends I was came cross same issue but when I left click element disappeared but I used Web recording and got that ui element then removed from the recording and placed in my workflow. Now it works for me.

You can use image click instead of the Normal click the drop down will not disappeared or try with Web recording.

Another solution that can work for this is just to right click on the parent menu item. It will bring up the right click menu options, but usually also leaves the left click menu options visible for selection.

For my case, I noticed that by right clicking the menu and click on inspect, the menu stays open for me to switch back to Studio and select the element.