How minimize selected applications

when there are 3 to 4 applications, I want to minimize 1 or 2 selected applications how to do that ?kindly help

Hi @Kancharla_Mahija,

To minimize an application window in UiPath, you can use the “Send Hotkey” activity to simulate the keyboard shortcut for minimizing a window. The default shortcut for minimizing a window in Windows is “Win + Down Arrow”. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Drag and drop a “Send Hotkey” activity onto your UiPath sequence.
  2. In the “Key” field, type “down” (without quotes).
  3. Check the “Ctrl” and “Win” checkboxes to indicate that you want to send the Win key along with the Down Arrow key.
  4. Ensure that “SendWindowMessages” property is set to True.
  5. Optionally, you can specify a selector for the window you want to minimize by clicking on the “Indicate on screen” button and selecting the window.

You should use Send Hotkey in that particular application scope.

Ashok :slight_smile:


You can select minimize based on the application in use application/browser


Hi @Kancharla_Mahija

You can use Use Application/Browser Activity, just indicate the window
and change the options Close to Never, and Resize Window to Minimize.
Attached is the screenshot


Happy Automation!

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