How can I install/use UiPath Activity Creator with visual studio 2022

When migrating machines, I installed VS 2022 instead of 2019. I’d like to add extension for UiPath Activity Creator. It displays in Roaming Extension Manager, but download button is disabled.

I added .NET 4.6.1 and I can compile projects created using VS 2019, but I still can’t get the UiPathActivityCreator.vsix (v2.3.4) to install. Error below seems to indicate incompatibility between Activity Creator and VS 2022.

  1. Is an updated UiPath Activity Creator anticipated? When?
  2. Do you know a workaround? (other than reverting to VS 2019)

VSIX install error:

11/12/2021 9:23:07 AM - Searching for applicable products…
11/12/2021 9:23:07 AM - Found installed product - Global Location
11/12/2021 9:23:07 AM - Found installed product - Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 Current
11/12/2021 9:23:07 AM - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
at VSIXInstaller.ExtensionService.GetInstallableDataImpl(IInstallableExtension extension, String extensionPackParentName, Boolean isRepairSupported, IStateData stateData, IEnumerable1& skuData) at VSIXInstaller.ExtensionService.GetInstallableData(String vsixPath, String extensionPackParentName, Boolean isRepairSupported, IStateData stateData, IEnumerable1& skuData)
at VSIXInstaller.ExtensionPackService.IsExtensionPack(IStateData stateData, Boolean isRepairSupported)
at VSIXInstaller.ExtensionPackService.ExpandExtensionPackToInstall(IStateData stateData, Boolean isRepairSupported)
at VSIXInstaller.App.Initialize(Boolean isRepairSupported)
at VSIXInstaller.App.Initialize()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Telemetry.WindowsErrorReporting.WatsonReport.GetClrWatsonExceptionInfo(Exception exceptionObject)

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Was following this to see if anyone has observed this behaviour or has any solution. It seems no one is using this updated VS

May be @loginerror or @Pablito can comment on this?

Hi @bsenter

See my reply here:

UiPathActivityCreator.vsix hasn’t been updated really doesn’t respond to my desire to see the template updated. But maybe this isn’t important to others. Please make your feelings known with this 1-question poll.

  • Yes. I’d like the wizard updated to support VS 2022.
  • No thanks. I’ll stick with VS 2019.
  • No thanks. I don’t use the wizard anyway.

0 voters