Having Issue with selector for GetText Activity

I am extracting some text using GetText activity from this website


I want to extract text that is below the salary range.
From here (Image for reference)

Can you please help me with the selector, I have tried from my side but when I click on some other job the same selector will not work


Hello @Sami_Rajput

I’m not sure what you’re asking, but I believe you want to extract the text below the salary range beginning with “Austin fraser” and ending with “Ich freue mich auf deine Bewerbung!”. I utilized OCR & get text, and you can adjust the selectors and placements as desired.
Sample workflow below.

Main.xaml (24.8 KB)

Happy Automation :slight_smile:

You used both GetText and OCRText for extracting
What’s the reason ?
Thanks for help

Hello @Sami_Rajput

“Get text” is used to obtain the text content beneath the image, whereas “OCR text” is applied to the image (It appears to be an image to me, and I’ve tried several UI frameworks with no success).
There is no harm in utilizing multiple activities, but make sure the selector’s are stable/dynamic.

Happy Automation :slight_smile:

Thanks for the clarification.
But I am having a problem that whenever I change the Job the the “GetText” is not working and I have to extract data for various jobs :smiling_face_with_tear:

make the selector dynamic
by replacing the dynamic words in title with *