Handling Greyed-Out Buttons in Automation: Alternative Click Actions

Hello Community,

I’m working on an automation script where my robot is supposed to click on the “Child Unit Monitoring” button, as shown in the screenshot I’ve attached. In my last run, the button was successfully clicked. However, this time the button is greyed out, so the robot cannot click it.

Is there a way to modify the automation so that if the “Child Unit Monitoring” button is greyed out, the robot can click on a different button or perform an alternative action on the screen?

I’m looking for suggestions or activities that could handle this scenario effectively.

Thank you!


Use Check app state activity to determine if the UI element is enabled or not. On this result add your logic to click on the UI element.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello @Aakash_Sharma4

Perhaps you can use a “Get Attribute” on the element with a check on attribute “disabled”.
If True, then the element is greyed out.


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A check app state or get attribute would determine if the button js enabled or disabled

If using check app state include the attribute which is changing when enabled and if using get attribute get the attribute which determines if the button is enabled or disabled

Genrally a property like isVisible or class would change


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