So a quick background. We have changed to Office 365 so everything is hosted at Microsoft, we also don’t have the option to do EWS login, so only GRAPH is left.
What i need to do, but can’t, is to get mails from a shared resource or other users mailboxes.
I have the following information from our IT department on azure app, Display name, Application ID, Directory ID and Object ID and it does have the rights to do what i want. Only issue i see is that the current Office 365 activity/package only supports the currently logged in users mailbox, and for a robot that have to work on other mailboxes this is useless without EWS i’m left turning down one robot after another as my only option would be to give my personal account and my robots access to all those mailboxes/resources.
Having an account with access to this much sensitive info (this is a municipality) is a security risk, on top of that my outlook would take days to load if we have to give my account access to all (a few 100 mail boxes / resources) AND my outlook would be a mess.
When can we expect UIPath to update the activity to support accessing multiple accounts and shared resources using graph auth, like the old EWS authentication allowed?
No one? I can’t be the only UIPath dev having issue using Office 365 with graph trying to connect to and get mails from shared mailboxes and such. Some one out there much smarter than me have done it, I’m sure
@loginerror you have been so helpful before, can you or is there any one you know who can give some help or some info on an update or anything because it is getting really frustrating
Hi @Rasmus_J. This is a good suggestion and I’ve added it to our list. We’re pushing the Office 365 activities to the Official feed in Studio (meaning they’ll receive enterprise support) on Monday and then afterwards working on a patch to take care of known issues. I’ll make sure this gets added if it’s possible via the Graph API.
Hi Dean, that sounds awesome, btw is there a enterprise subforum where I can ask for help? if so how do I get access?
Also one of the students i had for a short while developed something that used graph with the info i talked about in my first post and it was able to access shared and others mail account if it has the right permissions, but he never got around to finish it due to lack of time while he was here, and i don’t have the skill myself. I could upload it but i just need to make sure there is nothing sensitive in there before i do But again only if it have your interest
I don’t believe there’s a subforum for enterprise, but @loginerror can confirm.
Thank you for the offer, but I think we’ll be okay on this one. It’s an additional field that has to be added to the activity and another API call. The only hurdle would be Graph API bugs, but fingers crossed that there are none of those.
We do have Insider’s program that gets you access to the latest features (including private previews for interested customers) with a separate Insider’s platfrom to provide feedback
Thank you for the information, that is what I use today, but it is not the activity we talk about and it is also quite unuseable when you have to access 100+ mailboxes This is the Office 365 GRAPH auth Get Mail Not the Outlook activity that requires Outlook to be running. It is the new activity that replaces the old EWS auth method that you also have available that can access your exchange server directly without Outlook.
We’ve added support for shared mailboxes and the package is currently going through QA testing and localization, which will take another week or two, at which point, a new version will be uploaded to Go and the Official feed in UiPath Studio.
In the meantime, feel free to use this beta version and then upgrade your workflows when the final version is out.
Thank you so much for the extremely fast support and development. Does this also support accessing personal mailboxes like my colleagues and not just a shared resource like the old EWS version? Anyway i will try it out, thanks again.