Getting a pop up while using "Send Outlook Mail Message" activity

Scenario:Getting Pop up while accessing outlook via UiPath

Expected Behavior:Disable the pop message window

Studio/Robot/Orchestrator Version:v2016.2.6274

OS Version:Windows 7
Others if Relevant: (workflow, logs, .net version, service pack, etc):

Exception :Send Outlook Mail Message : Operation aborted (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004004 (E_ABORT))

There are two ways to avoid it.
Option1 . From outlook select the option that you prefer. If you want to stop these warning messages permanently, select the Never warn me about suspicious activity (not recommended) option.

Option2 : You can use “Element Exist” activity.


Thanks for the response.
Let me try the both options

I have this same issue. Did you try option 2? I can’t use option 1 because of admin restrictions.

Hi @ddpadil & all,

I’ve encountered this issue too and same as @kinive, Option 1 is not available due to IT policies.

I’ve tried Option 2 with an Element Exists activity, however the workflow seems to hang permanently on the Send Outlook Mail Message activity, and can only progress to the next activity if Allow or Deny is clicked manually by a user.

Would like to know if anyone has been able to overcome this?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions :slight_smile:

How about “Image Exist”.
If still same try to use in parallel activity.
Let me know how it goes. :slight_smile:


First, my workaround: Parallel Sequence that Sets Focus to the popup, with a 6 second delay before Focus, then Clicks Allow without using SendWindowMessages or SimulateClick.

Funnily enough, I don’t have this problem on my development computer but on the virtual machine where my bot runs. It makes me second guess myself that there is some setting difference between the two machines that could prevent this issue. This is what I’ve discovered about the problem:

-The “Send Outlook Mail Message” activity will not stop, not even with a 2 second timeout put on it (I was hoping to use the try-catch to force it to move to the “Click” activity).
-Using the parallel activity is a step forward, but this security message has some issues with it
-The security message will not accept “Simulate Click” or “Send Window Messages”, the “Click” activity will not even error out, but report that it clicked successfully.
-The security message does strange things with the “Send Hotkey” activity. Tab and arrow hotkeys will not navigate to the “Allow” button
-I know using the 6 second delay isn’t best practices, but the “WaitForReady” options don’t work correctly. It ends up clicking prematurely in ever scenario I’ve found without the delay.

I don’t understand the point of Element and Image Exist. If you think the element will somehow not appear, then set the parallel sequence activities to ContinueOnError = True

Let me know if you guys find any improvements on this workaround or a better fix.



I can’t use option 1. I am already using Option 2, but the click activity is not working when the screen is locked (tried both simulate click and send window messages).

How to solve this issue??.


automation while screen locked can only done via auto login feature from orchestrator.

Thank you so much…

Sorry for the late feedback. The parallel activity was the key to success. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Can you please explain how to use parallel activity in this scenario. example please.

I have overcome this by running Outlook as admin and then use option 1.

Element exist does not works for me.

Things works when we use parallel activityand simulate click.

but when we use Get Outlook Mail Message and managed pop up window using parallel activity then I’m facing another problem. I can not access body, from, attachment properties of received message, I can only retrieve Subject. Please let me know if any one has solution for that?