Get transaction item count and log it into excel

I want to get the number Transaction Items that are passed in queue and get how many of them are passed and how many are failed with exception if the script has failed in the end. And log it in excel.


Welcome to the community

Get wueue items will help you getting the data from queue

It has failed successful filters


Thankyou for your prompt response.

I have a requirement please help me with this.

I want to create a reusable library where every one should be able to invoke in their Reframework and get following data in an excel in which will generate monthly sheets:

Current Date Time.
Count of items processed.
Username - which will be passed via Excel which processed in Queue.
Status if Item is Success/Failed. If Failed Exception Details of the item failed
Environment Stage/Dev
Total time of Execution of Item Processed.

How should I do it?

Can you please help me with this?


Please check these steps on how to retrieve the data…from there you can build on top as you need in excel


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Thankyou, I will let you know if there are any issues.

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I just have to pass variable for Success and Failure.

For Success I need Count also how many transactionItem got processed. For Failure I need an exception Message.

How should I assign this in those cases.

The below excel contains output excel which will be saved in a specified in C drive passed via config. It will also generate monthly sheet.

I have created the above flow as you mentioned but cannot get the idea on how to assign.

Hi @Anil_G ,
We can go like this if all Transaction is Successful it will log Success. Else It will log failure with Exception +transaction Number (additional if possible not required)

I tried to create logic I will use if condition and accordingly it paste the output. Is it correct or there is any better alternative?



What do you mean by transaction number? or does it have any unique id in the fields?

serial number?


So lets say there are 4 transactions. First 2 are success and 4th is also success but 3rd fails even after retry so Is there any way to figure it out.



Failed items status will be different from retried…so you can remove retried


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So, we can get the transaction item right if we pass Sr. No.

And is the above condition right that I mentioned?

Hi @Anil_G ,

Please go through my flow and let me know of changes if any.

I also to know how to get execution time and execution status and convert this flow into library so people can use without making any alterations.



There should be another loop as well…as the number of items retrieved for one call is only 100 so you need to do an outer loop…please check the previous link…

Also y
To get execution time you can get start and end time and get the difference


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Basically to its a requirement for our client so we need to submit they will run via batch file.

And I want to convert this into library is it possible to do?

Once invoked this library user doesn’t need to modify anything just add arguments and done. This should dynamically run for any workflow.

How should I do it?

I didn’t get the meaning of outer loop can you share a flow.

And I have used if condition to pass the data if Success/Failure to excel? Is it correct?



The flow is there in the link i have provided above, If you see there , we have a do while and then for loop inside it

you can create as library as well…and expose the required values like queue name etc using arguments


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Ohhh, I’m so sorry I missed it. Thankyou.

I will try and let you know.

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Can you please tell me how will I get log message if it fails somewhere and pass through argument into the flow and pass it into excel.
Im stuck at getting execution time and log message if it fails.
Otherwise with your help I’m all done.



Queueitem.ProcessingException.Message will give the exception message

And for time …did you try with starttransactiontime and lastprocessingon


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No i haven’t I will try ans let you know.

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another easy option to achieve this would be to use UiPath Insights, this will allow your to create the kind of reports you require with ease.
You will also be able to schedule this reports to be sent to desired list of people at specified time intervals. Not just this, you will get access to more features through it.

Here is how you can get started with UiPath insights: