Generate data table case


I have data like below from scrape activity. They are bit messy and I need to build a DT or at least have an access to Quantity which is Bold
When Im using generate data table activity it is bit difficult to split columns
HU Num Material Batch PlantCQuantity UoAttach DateAttac
1090241480 900021326 00017214711070S1,350.000LB07/31/201711:50
1090241482 900021326 00017214711070S850.000 LB07/31/201711:50

This is how it looks originally
Please not I can note use activity extract data in this case to have DT

Are you able to adjust the width of the columns? If yes, you could try to widen the columns to make the text significantly separate so it may show up with blank spaces (for example, your extracted data shows HU Num values and Material values separated with spaces, same for Batch. After that it’s all one value.)


Did you try with Data Scraping ?

Hope this may helps you


I was trying but when Im using the most updated package version of UIAutomation which I need for other activities in my process I had an error which I think is a UiPath mistake when they upgrade the package.
So no way to use in that case simple Extract Structure Data

give a try if SAP offers an export functionality:

  • do a right click on the table body
  • select export (or download?)
  • choose copy to Clipboard

if yes then you can automate and continue with

left Side: strTableData
rigth side: new ClipboardWrapper().GetText

  • remove first and third line (is --------- text)
  • feed the cleansed text into a generate datatable activity

and you would received a datatable

Also get a feedback from @LevKushnir as he and his team knows the current and upcoming state of the UiPath SAP Support features

HI @niteckam

Please provide a transaction code, and some more info about Studio Version, UIAutomation Package

From the screenshot above it looks like a super simple SAP table, which we can data scrape any time


Indeed this is simple SAP table and using UIAutomation package 19.11.1 the neawest one we can not execute this activity Data Scraping to take date, STUDIO VERSION 2019.10.2

First column is without header but this is common situation in SAP and this activity works perfectly fine when we are using previous package version UIAutomation package 18.4.3
It must be UiPath mistake

HI @niteckam

Please upgrade to UiAutomation Package 20.4 and let me know, if the issue is still persist

We have done a lot of development in SAP WinGUI, check this page: SAP Automation - what’s new in UiPath Studio 20.4

Best regards, Lev

Package UiAutomation 20.4 is not available in my Studio

–> go to Manage Packages, set the checkbox on “Include Prerelease” and upgrade to UIAutomation Package 20.4.0-preview. This includes our latest SAP development and SAP out-of-the-box

Or even better try UIAutomation Package 20.8.0-preview.

Best regards, Lev