Figured out how to change the font on Notepad.exe

The issue is that the recorder doesn’t detect anything but OK button on the font screen.

To avoid this, you have to press Esc right after the font screen appears.

On the Desktop Recording screen, click Element > Mouse > Click and click the font you want to change.

Then click Element > Mouse > Click and click the font size in case you want to chage the font size as well.

Lastly click Element > Mouse > Click and click the OK button.

That’s it.

The tutorial video should be updated. Or the UiPath app itself?

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Thanks @dietcoke it is working as expected. But unable to achieve the modification on the font size / font , which is mentioned in the second of the same video… If possible, can you please help on this action item as well…

Thanks and Regards.

OK. I’ve found another issue on the selector.

  1. On the Desktop Recording screen, click Element > Mouse > Click and click the font you want to change.

If you chose a font which is not shown on the font screen while executing your script in Step 2, the font won’t be selected.

For example, you have selected Adobe Caslon Pro in your script, and Verdana is the font BEFORE you execute the script, then the script can’t detect Adobe Caslon Pro because it is not shown on the font screen at the time the script is being executed.

The same rule applies to font size.

You can choose, say Adobe Garamond Pro and Adobe Caslon Pro, and font size 14 and 18, just for practice.

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Yeah. its working now…

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