Failed to Use Select Item Activity


I tried to use a select item activity to select an element in a dropdown in a software. However, Uipath failed to get into the element, through Uipath did not show any error. I have used attach window and click image or click item, both of them failed, but Uipath did not show any error too. I am not quite sure whether is the problem of the software. Is there any suggestion?


Hi @Jennyzhenyh

First use normal click activity and after that to select the particular item you want, use click on that element with simulate property enabled

Hope it works for you


Hi @Jennyzhenyh,

Try to use Type into activity and pass the name of the drop down element followed by delay after for seconds then you can use the click activity with passing the variable in selector ( “)”.( Drop down Name should be stored in variable).



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Hi @Jennyzhenyh

When using the click activity on the drop down, First use one click activity to expand the dropdown. Then, use UI Explorer to click on one of the items in the expanded drop down list. This will generate the best selector for the item in the drop down menu. Then make the selector dynamic to click on different items based on a variable. This click activity can also be enabled with simulate click so that it will be clicked without mouse involvement.

Additionally, to locate the error, I suggest to run the program in the debug mode with some break points included. This will help you identify the error.