Failed to install package on server through Orchestrator

Hi all,

I have issues running my automation on a server which the package is uploaded to. Unfortunately, it says that the package could not be installed. This is the folder on the server, which seems to be more or less empty:

Automation runs without errors on another server. Please advise.

This is the full error message from Orchestrator:

Failed to install package ‘xxxxx’

RemoteException wrapping System.Exception: Failed to install package ‘xxxxx’ —> RemoteException wrapping System.Exception: NU1101: Unable to find package xxxxx. No packages exist with this id in source(s): Connect,,, Local,, Official

— End of inner exception stack trace —
at UiPath.Service.ProjectInstaller.InstallCore(InstallProjectCommand installCommand)
at UiPath.Service.ProjectInstaller.InstallInternal(InstallProjectCommand installCommand)
at UiPath.Service.Core.Utils.RobotTelemetryExtensions.WithTelemetry[TResult](IRobotTelemetryClient container, Func1 internalFunc, RobotTelemetryOperationBase telemetryOperation, Action1 telemetryArgsFunc)
at UiPath.Service.ProjectInstaller.InstallWithTelemetry(InstallProjectCommand installCommand)
at UiPath.Service.ProjectInstaller.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.Service.ProjectInstaller.Install(InstallProjectCommand installCommand)
at UiPath.Service.Impl.NetFrameworkPackageService.InstallProcess(PublishedProcess process, ImpersonableIdentity identity, IRobot robot, CancellationToken ct)
at UiPath.Service.Job.InstallPackage(ImpersonableIdentity identity, CancellationToken ct)
at UiPath.Service.Job.PrepareForExecution(ImpersonableIdentity identity, CancellationToken ct)
at UiPath.Service.Job.Start(IUserCredential credential)

I also found a similar topic, but there seems to be no resolution in that thread:

For further reference: these are the settings in Orchestrator:



On the server:

It does however say that I am “Connected, unlicensed”, even though it clearly shows I am licensed on the Orchestrator. Could the issue perhaps be related to that, and how does anyone have any suggestions how I could solve that?

Hi @kkiw,

Can you please go to your command prompt on the machine you are trying to run the unattended process on, type “whoami”, and paste that domain\username for the unattended bot in the user settings as seen here and enter the windows password under “password”:

For community edition, This screen you would under tenant->Manage Access->selecting your username-> clicking on edit.

For enterprise edition 2020.10 versions, you would find this screen under tenant-> users-> select username and click on edit.


Hi Sonali,

I have made sure that those match with whats written in the command prompt.

I luckily managed to solve the issue (guided through this post: Orchestrator CE Issue - Failed to install Package). The issue seems to be related to having the setting set to service account, when “user account” is what solved the issue. Thanks anyway!

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