Facing problem when inputting in_config argument in initallapplication

Hello everyone,
In the Security hash assignment an error of “key not found in dictionary” is occuring in the System1_Login part . I have defined all arguments correctly(I think :cold_sweat: ) and have checked for typo errors but still this error is happening. Please help !!!

I am attaching my assignment , if anyone kindly goes through the trouble of seeing it and finding my mistake I will be verrrrrry happy:hugs::hugs:.Client_HashSecurity.zip (1.2 MB)


Could you please help with me screenshots of your config file and login workflow.


Thanks for the fast reply.
When invoking only the System1_Login it is showing no error but in the initallapplication it says" the key is not present in the dictionary".

hello @Rounak40

in 4th screenshot you passed System_ ULR and system_credentials but in excel file there no such record .
i think 2nd and 4th screenshot are same with different value


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hello @Rounak40

in InitApplication you write System1_ULR it should be System1_URL
Its typo errors



corrected it but the problem still exists


in 2nd sreeen shot i still show System1_ULR


Correct the value of ‘in_System1_URL’ argument as ‘Config(“System1_URL”).ToString’ when invoke Login_System1 workflow.

The first Value should be:
You have:

Thank you every one,
Forgive me for my carelessness @sandeep13

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hello @Rounak40
never use such work “forgive me”, “carelessness”
here we make mistake and learning its continue whole life…its fun bro…

Happy Automation
