Extract website data

Hi, can anyone help me into this Please.
I have this data in website,

I want to extract the data Departure date, arrival date from this.
I am very new to uipath, and unable to use data scraping into this,because that is not working.

How can i Extract this.I want data from column1to column6(departure and arrival date ) in datatable.

Please help.

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Hey @Anjali_Rani,

You need to use get text to scrape the dep and arrival date in a loop.

Loop control condition will be based on the row number or idx.

Hope this helps.


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Try.xaml (15.0 KB)
Here i am attaching what i was trying,Please do help ASAp. :pray:

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Sure @Anjali_Rani

But could you please check the URL, as it is not opening for me.


Hi, can You help me Please :pray: :pray:

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Sorry, for a bit delay.

Please find the solution… kindly moderate as per your need and please add a loop exit condition.

ShippingDetailsScraping.zip (5.8 KB)


Thank you, I will try this.

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Hi can you tell me how can i put the condition ,so that only first 5 row will extract,Please do help Asap,Please.

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