I am trying to extract data from “https://ascopubs.org/jco/abstracts-breast-cancer-19” website; where I want the bot to click on each link and then extract the date in each page like Background, Methods, Results & Conclusions.
Hi @kumarmanjeetcr7,
I don’t see any dates there. But I’ll help with the extraction of other cases.
You can use Find children activity and indicate the div element Class = ‘toContent’ which has all the link. Use for each activity to loop through all the links. Change the for each argument to Uipath.core.UiElement. Then Use click activity, inside the element property give the item. After clicking the link it will redirects to the next page there you can use, get text activity and use regex to get your necessary data.
I hope I gave enough info. If you need some more help let me know.