Hi all! I am trying to extract data on a website using keywords and the extracted data will need to appear in the excel.
Data that I would like to extract using keywords such as “Arrived”. Hence, when Uipath identifies the word “Arrived” on the webpage, then it will extract it into excel.
I would also need to extract the departure airport and arrival airport (highlighted in yellow) and also the timestamp which is the departure dateTime and arrival dateTime (circled in blue).
I’ve tried so many methods such as Anchor Base activity and data scraping but the results won’t come out as I wanted in excel.
Please share your knowledge if you know how to solve this. Thank you!!
hI @hyungwonho993
Theres a lot of way how can you achieved that but maybe you can give me more details to help you please.
1.In Shipment Status the structure is table type. So wa can use data scraping activites for that and if we get the value for that table in will return to us the datatable type.Then in datatable we will do some query like what you want to query to get the data.And for the Schedule departure i guess we can use the gettext activities and for also to Schedule arrival.
Happy learning
Hi! Is it possible if you can guide me on how to use query ?
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No Worries @hyungwonho993
Happy to help here!
Happy learning
I’ve already scaped the data I needed.
So what’s next ?
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Hi @hyungwonho993
In your structure data it will return datatable.
1.Create a datatable variable and assign the variable in the output properties.
Happy learning
Done! Okay, the next step is ?
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Put your datatble variable in the input datatable.
Then create another datatable variable and put in on the outputdatatable.
yah but you need to create another datatable variable for your output. @hyungwonho993
Happy learning
Great! Then if you want to see the data result of our filter table.
Use OutputDatatble activties. then in the input properties put the outputdatatable variable and in the output properties of OutputDatatable create a string variable.
and then use messagebox activities and pass the string output.
Happy learning
Hi! I’ve run it but it doesn’t seems to work… The script doesn’t entered the airway bill in the webpage…
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Does it has an output.What should be the airway bill? @hyungwonho993
Happy learning
It has output.
After reading the airway bill from excel, it should be filled up the blank area and it will lead to the next page.
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Ok ! did you try to read your excel! @hyungwonho993
Happy learning
Yeap! If it fails to retrieve info, it will show up like this.
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What excatly do you want to do! you want to read that excel and put the value of excel in your browser ?
Am I correct! sorry im to slow!
Happy learning
So let me explain the process so its easier for you to understand.
Uipath reads the information (airway bill) from excel,
Loads the browser and the webpage.
Then using the data from excel which is the value, it will search the information by inputting the value inside the blank area which is the one I indicated (blue circle)
Read the information, extract it and copy the data. Once its done copying, the excel spreadsheet should have all the information i needed like departure airport, weight etc.
For weight and no. Of pieces, it has been done by my supervisor so I don’t need to touch on that since it has no issues. The only thing is i need to extract other information like departure airport etc.
My supervisor’s advice was to use screen scraping method, extract data from the page, use keywords to identify whether the plane/cargo has reached its destination by using “Arrived/Delivered” as the main keyword. If uipath can detect the keywords on the webpage, then it will says on excel column for arrival airport as “arrived”. And then do the same for the rest of the airway bills.
In addition, i need to include timestamp as well for the arrival dateTime.
Can you share me your xaml file and from their i will create a conclusion for it.I understand some of the points but ofcourse not all because i cannot picture out the whole scenario and my apologies for that.I think the problem is to simple we just need to collaborate .
Happy learning