Extract Table Data activity not working, but Test Extraction is

The modern Extract Table Data activity (UiPath.UIAutomationNext.Activities.NExtractData) is behaving oddly for me. I have it set up with a few columns of a table in a browser. The “Test Extraction” function is working and shows all data correctly with even using the Next button functionality (only Chromium API input mode is not using the Next button)

However, I cannot get any results while debugging. The browser has the page already loaded, so this test scenario is isolated. I click the “Test Extraction” button > I have results. I then Debug File > no results.

The Use Browser activity is setup correctly imo, I even just use indicate target on screen and the selector is validated and is highlighting the browser window correctly. I have also tried all Input modes, but the output data table is always empty. All input modes will show results when I click “Test Extraction”.

What could I be missing?


Try checking by giving a delay before the activity


Hi @echthard
In the extract table actions, add some delay and set some limits.

Kaviyarasu N

The suggested delays and limits didn’t help. I unlinked the activity from the Object Repository (which was not easy, because after unlinking and saving it didn’t change it. After closing and opening the workflow, the activity was linked again.).

Now after unlinking it is working like it should.

UiPath is still so buggy, unfortunately. Many activities and functions don’t work as expected. And Studio should be more developer friendly, by implementing many of Visual Studio’s functionalities. Especially those during debugging.


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