Hi, I’m trying to embed an image (.png) into my email content (html codes). These are some methods that I have tried and the respective outcomes:
1. Use img src html tag with the local path of the image.
The image is not visible when sent to other computers as they do not have access to the image that is pointing to my local path.
Thanks to @vvaidya I managed to narrow down the possibilities and identified the issue. Tried #2 again and sent email to a pc with Outlook 2016 and it worked.
I suspect Outlook 2013 has a slightly different way of handling embedded images, the image does not show in the mail but was sent as an attachment instead.
Hi, I am trying to add an image into email body using HTML via giving source of the file{file path store in my laptop}. But when i am sending this email to someone the image dosen’t appear into email body and a Empty box with red cross mark saying" Either the file has been moved or deleted or renamed" . I am using the HTML code: Img SRC=‘C:\Users\Dill\Pictures\Huawei-logo-1024x768.png’ alt=‘Logo’ height=‘42’ width=‘42’
I have tried too its not working. Due to Image you are putting into email body its saved locally into your Pc so when you send it to someone else it will never shows up.
Unless you are using a image from online server like Google or yahoo etc. You just need to paste the url of that image into html body and send to it to someone and only then it will shows up.