i want to automate a workflow which reconciles account balances shown in different SAP Systems my company is using. So basically it is the same automation with a little bit adaption of the selectors. Unfortunately, the Selector Visual tree in the one SAP System is completely different to the tree in the other one. The explorer generates other selectors for the same fields - many fields aren’t even recognized in the second SAP Systems.
The Infos i could get so far:
Both Systems are on the same SAP Release.
In Both Systems SAP Scripting is enabled on Server and on Client
Here are some (1) Screenshots of the Selectors for Elements i could identify in Both Systems and (2) Screenshots of the Issue where an Element could be identified in one System but not in the other:.
I have same issue. I recorded SAP steps which was working fine with selector - GUI . After some runs the selectors got changed (on same machine i.e. my machine) to have selectors as AFX. With the selector as AFX*, bot does not identify certain text fields too in SAP. Would be glad if anybody can provide some solution