Data Scrapping from web

anyone can please help me. I am sharing my xaml and unable to do data scrapping for my next row. I have been solving this but failed to do so. Can anyone pls guide me where i am going wrong.

i want to extract data for 2 names, one is selecting and doing data scrapping but when its going on next name then its not doing data scrapping.

Trial.xaml (18.2 KB)

Hi @taruna.mehra
What is the error it is returning? Can share the screenshot?

below is the screenshot of the output. Post Bank Nifty 50, it’s again extracting data of Nifty 50 options.

If possible can you share the excel file?

DataFile.xlsx (12.2 KB)

@taruna.mehra After extracting and writing the data in the excel use clear datatable at the end this is one or you can try this

Instead of extracting the download the file directly and Save as xlsx (Modern Design activity)


Will that extract Data of bank nifty options? If you will run my bot u will see it’s not extracting data for bank nifty option

Try that once if not as i said go with downloading the file it too gets the values

The bot is taking the 2nd value bank nifty options but not extracting the data

Kindly let me know if you understand the previous two posts? @taruna.mehra

Yes I have got that friend but did you try to run my bot?

Yeah , I got the same out put as yours

can you elaborate it little better. Add some pictures of the site then it would be better

I have 2 data in one excel file and I want to scrap the data for both the data. Now when am running my bot it’s taking first data name and extracting the data as required but when it’s selecting 2nd data name then when it’s going on data scrapping and again scrapping the 1st data name. I noticed due to page load delay it’s happening but I have put delay before scrapping then also it’s not working

Then when u have done as suggested by you above it’s extracting both the data’s into excel?

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