Data scraping from web ecommerce product detail page


I am new in Uipath, i want to scrap full data from web ecommerce product detail page. How can i reach on detail page and back to listing page and again click on detail page with all pages.
Can you please help?

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can you share the link to the webpage ?

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amazon. com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=samsung

I want data inside each product detail com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=samsung

I want data inside each product detail

Please refer above link for more information : samsung

I want data inside each product detail

The above post should give you a good idea on how to do the scraping, but you need to define dynamic selectors to make it more generic.

Can you please refer me any useful video or examples if you familiar on this.

I already saw this video, it is not useful for me

You have a video regarding the data scraping in the foundation training which is exactly what you need

and here another video which may be useful for you

It is not useful to me. Data scrapping activity scrap data only on product listing page but i need a data from each product detail page like
VAT Included
Which is not available on listing page.

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My dear @umesh1, what you need is not a simple data scraping then, it is a workflow where you need to go on each product URL and get those values, so you need to create a workflow where

  1. First, you need to scrape the URL of the products using simple data scraping in excel(which is posted)
  2. Second, you need to read the excel and click the link to land on the details page one by one.
  3. And last, you need to get the desired details you want and then write in the same excel or in another.

Thanks @Sheshrocks

@Sheshrocks, could you give more details on how to access the URL for each product’s excel for more information? I have a similar case where I need to extract data from each company that makes the access on the site of bovespa.

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Hi @victorfrs, i think it will depend on what site and what URL you want to use e.g. for any search query on google you may need to use someting like below :

url = ‘Google’ + text

where text being what you want to search for, this you need to repeat in a loop to get the webpages of all the query text you want.

Usually there must be a pattern of the website which you need to observe and follow.

Hope it helps!

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Thanks for the attention and help @Sheshrocks

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Hi @Sheshrocks I have a doubt

if I want to know the one product detail if the product cost is high, I want to get a mail whenever the price is low, at least I get mail about the product details
can you please help me to do that…

Hello @Sheshrocks I have a doubt solving a problem regarding data scraping .I am able to extract product names and respective URL but I am unable to extract individual product description using scraping also unable to do it using dynamic selectors.I think you could help me with this.if you got my question , please help me out.
Thank you